Mechanical Technologies, LLC is dedicated to maintaining the level of privacy that each individual and business should expect. Any names of individuals or businesses, addresses or locations, phone, fax, or cellular numbers, and e-mail addresses will be used for internal purposes only and will never be sold or given away to an outside source. We also fully respect the FCC rulings in this matter.
Mechanical Technologies, LLC's web hosting is run on an industry standard server. As such, pieces of information may be stored on your computer called “Cookies”. These Cookies are placed on your hard drive to make your browsing experience more efficient. Many applications exist that can block all or some of these Cookies from reaching your machine. The Mechanical Technologies, LLC web site can be effectively browsed without these Cookies. These Cookies are used only for internal purposes in order to generate a log file of places that were visited on Mechanical Technologies, LLC's web sites. This information will be used for internal purposes only and will never be sold or given away to an outside source. It is only displayed in the aggregate, ensuring that your individual page views are not traceable to any particular IP address.
Any questions about this privacy policy should be directed to info@mthvac.com.